Easy Media WordPress Download Plugin

Easy Media Download is a WordPress file download plugin which allows you to offer free digital downloads to your WordPress site visitors. You can easily create colorful download buttons for different types of media files such as photos, software, videos, documents, e-books, songs, graphics etc. This WordPress download manager plugin lets you create a download button for anything that is hosted on your server or hosted publicly on a remote web server.

easy media download wordpress plugin

WordPress Download Plugin Installation

  • Login to your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Go to Plugins->Add New
  • Enter Easy Media Download naa986 in the search box
  • Once you find the plugin hit the install button


  • Easy digital downloads for WordPress.
  • You can offer free downloads from your website by creating download buttons.
  • Deliver free digital downloads such as music download, video download, e-book download.
  • Let you offer free software downloads such as plugin download, web application download, mobile application download.
  • Offer free pdf download, movie download, song or mp3 download.
  • Allow free document/file downloads such as Word doc download, Excel spreadsheet download, PowerPoint slides download.
  • Create free image file/photo downloads such as jpeg file download, png file download, gif file download.
  • You can easily manage downloads by hosting your downloadable files either remotely or on your server
  • Upload downloads via WordPress media uploader (you don’t need a file manager plugin for that)
  • Track free downloads or download clicks by integrating with your Google Analytics account
  • Host your digital downloads anywhere on the web where it’s publicly accessible (e.g. Dropbox download, Google Drive download)
  • Create beautiful download buttons dynamically with shortcodes
  • Create colorful download buttons with various colors and styles
  • Force the browser to show download prompt when a download button is clicked
  • No additional setup or complicated configuration – Simply install, activate and create download buttons.

WordPress Download Plugin Usage

Create a new WordPress post/page and embed the following shortcode:

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip"]

You need to replace the value of the url parameter with your digital download URL.

There are some additional shortcode parameters that you can use to customize the download button:

Download Button Text

By default, the text for the download button is Download Now. But you can specify a different text for your button using the text parameter.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download"]

Download Button Templates

Easy Media Download allows you to customize download buttons in 21 different styles. The default style is red_darker which can be specified in the color parameter of the shortcode.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" color="red_darker"]

Other available styles:

  • grey
  • grey_light
  • red
  • green_dark
  • green_light
  • green
  • blue
  • blue_two
  • blue_three
  • blue_four
  • orange
  • orange_two
  • orange_light
  • orange_dark
  • purple
  • purple_dark
  • purple_light
  • yellow_red
  • hot_pink
  • pink

Download Button Image

If you are looking for full button customization, you can do so by specifying your own button image. For example:

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/images/button.jpg"]

Download Button Width

The default width for the download button is “153”. To specify a different width you can use the width parameter.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" width="100"]

Download Button Height

By default, the height for the download button is “41”. To specify a different height you can use the height parameter.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" width="100" height="50"]

Download Window

By default, the download starts in the same window. To open the download in a new window you can specify the target parameter.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" target="_blank"]

Here is a screenshot of the free download button:

screenshot showing how easy media download plugin in action

Custom CSS Class

In addition to various button templates, If you want to apply custom styling to a button, you can do so by using the class parameter in the shortcode.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" class="myclass"]

You can specify multiple CSS classes in the shortcode.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" class="myclass1 myclass2 myclass3"]

Force a File Download

Usually, the browser opens the file in the same window for known media types. If you want to force it to prompt for download, you can do so by specifying the force_dl parameter.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.mp4" text="Free Download" force_dl="1"]

Please note that this parameter doesn’t work in Safari.

Link Rel

You can use the HTML link rel attribute in the shortcode to define the relationship between your page and the linked download.

[easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.mp4" text="Free Download" rel="nofollow"]

Easy Media Download Shortcode 2

With easy media download shortcode 2, you can create a download button with any color.

[easy_media_download2 url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" bg_color="#CC0000"]

Background Color

The background color of the download button is “#3498db” by default. You can customize it using the “bg_color” parameter.

[easy_media_download2 url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" bg_color="#CC0000"]

Font Color

The color of the download button text is “#ffffff” by default. You can customize it using the “font_color” parameter.

[easy_media_download2 url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" font_color="#71B02F"]

Hover Background Color

The “hover_bg_color” parameter can be used to change the background color of the download button when you mouse over it.

[easy_media_download2 url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" bg_color="#3498db" hover_bg_color="#3cb0fd"]

Font Size

The size of the download button text is “15px” by default. You can customize it using the “font_size” parameter.

[easy_media_download2 url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" font_color="#71B02F" font_size="20px"]

Font Family

The font family of the download button is “Georgia” by default. You can customize it using the “font_family” parameter.

[easy_media_download2 url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/file.zip" text="Free Download" font_family="sans-serif"]

Easy Media Download Add-ons

Easy Media Download plugin comes with various add-ons that you can use to enhance its functionality on your website.

User Only Download

User Only Download add-on allows you to set up download buttons that will only be visible to logged in WordPress users.

27 thoughts on “Easy Media WordPress Download Plugin”

  1. Hi Guys,

    How can I center the button in a blog post?

    • @William, You can try the following:
      1) Create a custom CSS class

      text-align: center;

      2) Specify the CSS class in the shortcode

      [easy_media_download url="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/myfile.zip" parent_class="dlbtn"]

      • Thanks, it worked!

  2. Guys,
    can you tell me in detail how to align the button in centre

    • @sargio, what shortcode are you using?

  3. Is there a way to change the font or font family for the button text? I don’t want to use the default font, I want a sans serif font.

    • @Chris, What shortcode are you using?

      • This is the short code I’m using:

        [easy_media_download2 url="https://308gt4.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/pasadera_23.jpg" text="DOWNLOAD" bg_color="#00000000" font_size="12px" font_color="#03A9F4" width="30" height="8" force_dl="1"]

        • @Chris, Thanks. This feature is now available. Please update the plugin and use the “font_family” parameter in that shortcode (please see updated instructions).

          • You guys absolutely rock. Updated, applied code, looks perfect now! Thank you so much!!!!

  4. Thanks for the font_family feature, that’s absolutely perfect. Now I’m also wondering if it would be possible to change the font hover color (like you can the button hover color)?

  5. Oh, and aside from the the ability to change the hover color of the font, it would also be nice to have the ability to change the style of the (Normal, Bold, Italic, Semi, Thin, etc.)

    • @Chris, You can add a custom CSS class to a button to apply your own styles.

      • It’s possible I don’t know what I’m doing… lol

        I’ve tried custom CSS every which way I know (which isn’t much), and I can never get it to recognize it. For example, there’s an “Advanced Settings” area where I can add/edit custom CSS code. Here’s what I put there:

        .dlbtn {
        font-style: normal;
        .hover {
        background-color: 00000000;
        color: #03A9F4;

        Then I used this short code:

        [easy_media_download2 url="https://308gt4.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/308_ws_manual.pdf" text="308 GT4 Workshop Manual" class="dlbtn hover" bg_color="#00000000" font_family="sans-serif" font_size="16px" font_color="#999999" font_bg_color="#03A9F4" width="200" height="8" force_dl="1"]

        But literally nothing changes, it stays the same as if the CSS code doesn’t exist. So in this case, there’s no “hover” action and there’s no normal text, it’s bold.

        Even before contacting you about changing the font family, I tried that (and just about everything else) via custom CSS, but it just doesn’t work. Am I doing something wrong?

        • @Chris, We can take a look at it. Please tell us what you are trying to do and provide a link to the button page.

          • I’m providing links to some PDFs on this page here:


            You’ll see three accordion menus at the bottom titled “Manuals” , “Tech Info Bulletins” and “Misc. Service Documents”. All the items in those are individual downloadable items.

            However… I only have one setup with the CSS code mentioned above. That’s the first item under the “Manuals” accordion menu. It’s the item titled “308 GT4 Workshop Manual”.

            Originally, I wanted the word “DOWNLOAD” to appear next to each item, like a two column appearance, but the button always goes below the file name no matter what (I could find no way to change that in my theme). So, I opted for making the file name the download button itself. And that works, now it would just be nice to get it looking even better than it does now.

          • I found something interesting. When I “view source” in my browser to look at the code, I see this:

            I’m not sure if “emd_65e6951e60d19” is being added there by WordPress, the template I’m using, or the short code, but it’s not there when I’m looking at and editing my page.

            If I edit the source as HTML while in the “view source” browser, and remove that extra text so it just reads like this:

            The CSS then works as expected.

            So, I have no idea how that extra code “emd_65e6951e60d19” shows up, nor do I know how to prevent it. But if we can get rid of that, then the CSS would work.

          • @Chris, We just need to look at the page where you have a download button from our plugin. That way we can check what code is there and why your custom CSS is not getting applied.

            Don’t worry about the auto-generated class added by the plugin. It will not prevent your custom classes from working.

          • The download button is the name of the files on this page:


            Under each menu at the bottom of the page are several files. For example, click on “Manuals” and all the items there are the Download button for individual files (the file names themselves are the button):

            308 GT4 Workshop Manual
            308 GT4 Spare Parts Manual – 1974
            308 GT4 Spare Parts Manual – 1976
            308 GT4 Spare Parts Manual – 1979
            308 GT4 Owner’s Manual – 1974
            208 GT4 Owner’s Manual – 1975
            308 GT4 Owner’s Manual – 1975
            308 GT4 Owner’s Manual – 1976
            308 GT4 Owner’s Manual – 1977

  6. No point in looking further into this, I tried everything I know to get the CSS code to be recognized by your plugin and it just doesn’t work. I’m using another plugin, but while it does everything I needed for appearance, it sadly doesn’t force download. Sorry, I really like your plugin, it’s good stuff, just couldn’t get it to work for my needs.

  7. Upon clicking the button, it opens up the mediafile, but doesn’t starts the download. How can it be resolved?

    • @advick, What type of file is it? Have you tried the “force_dl” parameter?

  8. The plugin is not working with MP3 files. When you add the code, it takes you to a page with a player bar (of course with right click users will be able to choose download file) but this is not the idea. Users with very little experience will be not able to download the file.

    This is the shortcode I’m using:
    [easy_media_download url="https://xxxxx.xxxx" text="Clic para descargar el audio" force_dl="1" width="275" height="40" color="orange" parent_class="dlbtn"]

  9. Hi,
    I’ve a pdf file for download: https://sitename/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/filename.pdf
    To prevent opening it in the browser, I’ve added the force_dl=”1″ parameter. However, not the pdf is downloaded, but a html file which contains the pdf.
    What should I do to let simply download the pdf only?

  10. The PDF file I offer for download isn’t downloaded. Instead, a gl938.html is downloaded with a size of 64kb. Clicking it, a browser window is opened that tries to open the PDF, which is 32mb.
    Yet, just the PDF should be downloaded.
    My code is:

    [easy_media_download url="https://sitename/path/filename.pdf" text="Download" color="blue_two" force_dl="1"]

    When I use the WordPress file link, I see, the path is correct, the PDF is opened in the browser.

    What can I do to just get that PDF sec downloaded with your plugin?

    • @Gunivortus, Unfortunately we cannot check just by looking at the shortcode.

  11. Hi!

    Is there any option to see how many time the file has been downloaded?


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