Embed for Vimeo plugin allows you to customize your Vimeo videos in WordPress. When this plugin is active, you can customize embedded Vimeo videos with arguments.
How to Install Embed for Vimeo
- Login to your WordPress admin dashboard
- Go to Plugins->Add New
- Enter Embed for Vimeo naa986 in the search box
- Once you find the plugin hit the install button
How to Use Embed for Vimeo
You can embed a Vimeo video in WordPress by inserting the URL into a Vimeo block.

Once the post/page is published you should see the Vimeo video on the front end.

To disable AirPlay in the player you can add “airplay=false” to your Vimeo URL.
This argument is enabled by default which pauses the current video when another Vimeo video on the same page starts to play. To permit simultaneous playback of all the videos on the page you can add “autopause=false” to your Vimeo URL.
If you do not want to display the author name in the player, add “byline=false” to your Vimeo URL.
This argument is enabled by default which enables closed captions in the player. To disable closed captions you can add “cc=false” to your Vimeo URL.
This option has no effect if your video does not have captions or subtitles.
If you do not want to display the video title in the player, add “title=false” to your Vimeo URL.
How to Add Multiple Arguments
You can add multiple arguments to your Vimeo URL with &.