Responsive Lightbox2 Plugin for WordPress

Responsive Lightbox2 is a WordPress lightbox plugin that allows you to overlay images on top of the current page. You can add this responsive popup effect to your website photos, images, gallery or album.

Responsive Lightbox2 plugin is based on the original jQuery Lightbox script developed by Lokesh Dhakar. This plugin makes it possible for WordPress users to add Lightbox2 popup effect to their sites.

Name: Responsive Lightbox2
Type: WebApplication
Requires: WordPress
Rating: 3 based on 2 votes
Price: 0 USD

    WordPress Lightbox2 Plugin Demo

    screenshot of responsive lightbox2 plugin in action

    Responsive Lightbox2 Features

    • Lightbox2 popup style for images
    • Open responsive images in lightbox
    • Pop up lightbox from either a text/image link
    • Compatible with the latest version of WordPress and WordPress multisite
    • Supported by all major browsers
    • Use a simple shortcode anywhere on your site (Post, Page, Homepage etc.) to pop up an image/photo in lightbox
    • Add lightbox effect to images inserted into a WordPress post/page
    • Add lightbox effect to a photo gallery or album
    • Add lightbox effect to a gallery of images
    • It fits perfectly on mobile and tablet devices

    Responsive Lightbox2 Plugin Installation

    • Login to your WordPress admin dashboard
    • Go to Plugins->Add New
    • Enter Responsive Lightbox2 in the search box
    • Once you find the plugin hit the install button

    Option 2

    • Download the zip version of the plugin
    • Go to Plugins->Add New and switch to the Upload tab
    • Select the zip file on your computer
    • Upload and install it

    Option 3

    • Download the zip file and extract it
    • Connect to your website via FTP (you can use a software like Filezilla to transfer files to your server) and browse to the “/wp-content/plugins” folder
    • Select the folder containing the plugin files on your computer and upload it
    • Once all the files have been uploaded to your web server you can activate the plugin from the Plugins menu (WordPress admin dashboard)

    Responsive Lightbox2 Plugin Usage

    You can pop up an image from either a text or image (it’s called hyperlink). All you need to do is insert a plugin shortcode into a post/page editor (Make sure turn on “Paste as Text” if you are editing in visual mode) to create a lightbox link.

    Open Lightbox from a Text

    [lightbox2 url="" hyperlink="click here to open image"]

    Open Lightbox from a Thumbnail Image

    [lightbox2 url="" hyperlink=""]

    Show Title/Caption in Lightbox

    In order to show a title for your lightbox image, you can use the title parameter in the shortcode. For example:

    [lightbox2 url="" title="overlay image" hyperlink="click here to open image"]
    [lightbox2 url="" title="overlay image" hyperlink=""]

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