Buy Button for WooCommerce Plugin

Buy Button for WooCommerce is a free plugin/extension for WooCommerce that lets you create a Buy Now type button for your WooCommerce product.

Name: Buy Button for WooCommerce
Type: WebApplication
Requires: WordPress
Rating: 5.0 based on 1 vote
Price: 0 USD

Buy Button for WooCommerce Installation

  • Go to “Plugins->Add New Plugin”
  • Enter “Buy Button for WooCommerce naa986” in the search box
  • Install and activate the plugin

How to Create a Buy Now Button for a WooCommerce Product

To create a quick Buy Now button you need to add the following shortcode to a post/page.

[buy_button_wc id="1"]

The shortcode can be inserted into a shortcode block that comes with the default WordPress post/page editor. Replace 1 with your WooCommerce product id.

woocommerce buy now button

Button Text

The default text for the button is “Buy Now”. You can customize it using the “button_text” parameter (optional).

[buy_button_wc id="1" button_text="Pay Now"]
woocommerce buy now button customization


You can add custom CSS classes to a button using the “class” parameter (optional).

[buy_button_wc id="1" class="btn1"]
[buy_button_wc id="1" class="btn1 btn2"]
[buy_button_wc id="1" class="btn1 btn2 btn3"]

WooCommerce Buy Now Button Checkout

When the Buy Now button is clicked, the buyer will be taken directly to the WooCommerce checkout page to finalize the payment.

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