Simple YouTube Embed Plugin for WordPress

Simple YouTube Embed is a WordPress plugin that allows you to embed YouTube videos and make it responsive and prettier. You can embed a YouTube video with the highest resolution version of its thumbnail image and present it much more professionally to your visitors.

With Simple YouTube Embed, you can prevent YouTube from showing related videos when a video finishes playing. You can also apply advanced customizations such as automatically play a video, hiding player controls, fullscreen option etc.

simple youtube embed wordpress plugin

YouTube Embed Plugin Installation

  • Login to your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Go to Plugins->Add New
  • Enter Simple YouTube Embed naa986 in the search box
  • Once you find the plugin hit the install button

YouTube Embed Plugin Usage

You can easily embed a YouTube video by inserting the URL into a YouTube block in your post/page editor. For example:

Once you publish the post/page, your YouTube video should like the following,

screenshot of a YouTube video using the simple youtube embed plugin

If you already have some YouTube videos embedded, the plugin will automatically make them pretty like the one above.

Automatically Play a Video

Add “autoplay=1” to the URL if you wish to automatically play the video after the page loads.

Disable Related Videos

Add “rel=0” to the URL if you wish to disable related videos from displaying when the YouTube video finishes.

Disable Player Controls

Add “controls=0” to the URL if you wish to disable YouTube player controls.

Disable Fullscreen

Add “fs=0” to the URL to disable the fullscreen option in the YouTube player.

If you wish to display a YouTube video in lightbox, please check this tutorial on how to embed a YouTube video in lightbox.

Mute a Video

Add “mute=1” to the URL if you wish to automatically mute the video after it starts playing.

IV Load Policy

Add “iv_load_policy=3” to the URL if you wish to not show video annotations by default.

Create a Playlist

Add “playlist=VIDEO_ID” to create a single-video YouTube playlist.

Simple YouTube Embed Add-ons

Simple YouTube Embed plugin comes with an add-on that you can use to enhance its functionality on your website.

Advanced Parameters

Advanced Parameters add-on allows you to use additional advanced parameters in your YouTube videos.


This parameter specifies the color that will be used in the player’s video progress bar to highlight the amount of the video that the viewer has already seen.

Valid parameter values are red and white, and, by default, the player uses the color red in the video progress bar.

Note: Setting the color parameter to white will disable the modestbranding option.


Setting this parameter’s value to 1 causes the player to not respond to keyboard controls. The default value is 0.


This parameter specifies the time, measured in seconds from the start of the video, when the player should stop playing the video. The parameter value is a positive integer.

The time is measured from the beginning of the video and not from the value of the start player parameter.


This parameter causes the player to begin playing the video at the given number of seconds from the start of the video. The parameter value is a positive integer.


This parameter causes the video to play repeatedly. The parameter value is a positive integer (e.g. loop=”1″).

In order for the loop feature to work, the video needs to be turned into a single-video playlist as well.
Simple YouTube Embed Advanced Parameters
Simple YouTube Embed Advanced Parameters
Embed a YouTube video with advanced parameters.

License: Unlimited Websites

* Do not purchase before setting up the core plugin first. The add-on is not at fault if the core plugin does not work on your website.
* Do not purchase if you are not sure about a feature, contact us instead.
* Do not purchase to ask for more features or make the product work in a certain way.

Price: $39.99

2 thoughts on “Simple YouTube Embed Plugin for WordPress”

  1. Is there a way to bulk-edit previous entries that relied on a different plugin to utilise this one? The plugin I used in the past was discontinued, and I have several posts where I leveraged it’s shortcut (which, if I remember correctly, was simply using httpv instead of https as the URL prefix.)


    • @Taylor, You may need a search and replace type plugin.


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