WP Stripe Checkout WordPress User Only Button

WP User Only Button is an add-on for the WP Stripe Checkout plugin that can be used to only show payment buttons to logged-in WordPress users. This can be useful if you are trying to set up a user only payment page or wish to protect a specific payment button from anonymous users.

Name: WP Stripe Checkout WP User Only Button
Type: WebApplication
Requires: WordPress
Rating: 4.5 based on 21 votes
Price: 39.99 USD

How It Works

To hide/protect a payment button from anonymous users, enclose the pay button shortcode with the “wpstripeco_wp_user_only_button” shortcode.

Example 1

[wpstripeco_wp_user_only_button][wp_stripe_checkout_session name="My Product" price="2.99"][/wpstripeco_wp_user_only_button]

Example 2

[wpstripeco_wp_user_only_button][wp_stripe_checkout_payment_link url="https://buy.stripe.com/live_6gPE4jw7dMbUKdd3345"][/wpstripeco_wp_user_only_button]

The pay button will appear normally when the user is logged in to WordPress.

Stripe buy now button

If the user is not logged in, a message will be shown instead.

Message shown to non-logged in WordPress users when a Stripe payment button is rendered

The default message can be customized in the add-on settings (Stripe Checkout > Settings > Advanced).

WP User Only Button message customization in the WP Stripe Checkout plugin settings


You can use the add-on to protect these shortcode buttons from the WP Stripe Checkout plugin:

  • wp_stripe_checkout_session
  • wp_stripe_checkout_payment_link

Get the WP User Only Button Add-on

WP Stripe Checkout WP User Only Button
WP Stripe Checkout WP User Only Button
Only allow logged-in WordPress users to view a Stripe payment button.

* Do not purchase before setting up the core plugin first. The add-on is not at fault if the core plugin does not work on your website.
* Do not purchase if you are not sure about a feature, contact us instead.
* Do not purchase to ask for more features or make the product work in a certain way.
* Do not try to scam us, we take it seriously. We are contributing to the WordPress community with free plugins and themes. If you cannot appreciate this our product is not the right choice for you.
* There is no refund/cancellation as it is a digital product.

Price: $39.99

2 thoughts on “WP Stripe Checkout WordPress User Only Button”

  1. Great addon, does exactly what I want. From my experience I really like the fast response from your tech support. They are very helpful.

    • @Peter, Thanks for your kind words.


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